A group of chatty and eager ladies had brought needles and thread, some sewing machines and we worked in a steady pace yesterday and today. Lots of tecniques were demonstrated and tried out. This is my production over the weekend:
I managed to sew a Papa'a star!!! So proud of myself! *lol* These blocks will be used in a rather special project - more about that later :o)
Hugs and stitches from
Anne Ida
Det var raskt ekspedert! Og så fine blokker du har sydd i helgen! Takk for sist forresten, og for en hyggelig og inspirerende helg :-)
Du verden kor fint! Og så den vanskelegaste blokka...Eg skal ringe Førde med ein gong og melde meg på kurset Hanne skal ha der i september, sjølv om det er akkurat på den tid eg forhåpentlegvis er blitt bestemor!
You made some beautiful blocks !
(110, 35, 1, 3149) another janiac
Thanks for a lovely day - the inspiration always goes both ways in the long run :-)
Your blocks are lovely!
Hi. Great blocs you made. I cant wait untill 2020 to see the whole quilt done ;-)
I belive you are done a long time befor.
Hugs ;-)
Wonderful colours in you blocks. I know you had a great weekend together with Hanne. I am still thinking about starting on my DJ blocks.
Well done sweetie, the blocks look great!! That Papa's Star looks fiddly, great job on completing it!!
Love those colours, now what are you up to with these blocks, hmmmm??
Big hugs xxx
Which one is the Papa's Star ... ? o_O
Very pretty! ;) I love your fabric selection - and the star is beautiful. Good job!
Your blocks looks pretty, I'm curious about what you are going to make with them! It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!
It is so good to see you posting, I've been worried about you. Your blocks are fabulous! Is there anything you sew that doesn't look great? Hope you are well. Julie in NH
Beautiful blocks you have made!
That was the first thing I thought when I saw the picture of the blocks, she did Papa´s star! I have booked the flight to Norway!
Oooh, de er så fiiiine!!!
Vel, jeg har fått lagt ut mine også, tegner noen nye - så får vi se......
Hadde det veldig gøy, det er jo alltid spennende å utfordre seg selv......
Ha en riktig god natt!!
Oh, great blocks! buttoncounter.blogspot is into the Dear Jane blocks as well.
Beautiful blocks! Wonder what that special project is! Guess we'll have to wait and see!
Sounds like a great class to participate in. I'm still thinking on getting started on
Dear Jane. May be sometime...
Your blocks look beautiful. I love the soft colors.
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