I just love these 25 little scrappy cuties, and plan to make heaps more of them ;o) But at the moment my ice cream tub is out of light 1.5" squares (lots and lots of darks, though), so I'm on a short break from these till some new ones come along!
Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!
Hugs and stitches from
Anne Ida
Those blocks look great! I can't wait to see what you turn them into! :0)
Halloen :O)
Joda, jeg henger i stroppen, men er veldig klar for å bli ferdig gitt!!
Jeg liker også mitt nygamle arbeid, håper å få det ferdig veldig snart. Den siste uken har jeg ikke orket noe når jeg har kommet hjem om kvelden...........
Så fint dette teppet blir. Jeg har sikkert noen lyse stoffer du kan bruke........ :O)
Ha en strålende søndag i solen :O)
Mange klemmer fra Yvonne
Oh my, my, my but these are scrumptious! I just want to get my hands on these blocks my friend. Delightful. Now that I've seen these, my Sunday is off to a great start. Over Coffee with you, *karendianne.
These look great Anne Ida! I found that I have very few light scraps. I started with 9 patches, trying to use the dark for the five outer and middle, so I needed only 4 lights and ran out very quickly. Mine is on hold too.
I can't believe you made these wonderful blocks using leaders and enders.!! They are wonderful!
These really are scrappy cuties :)
Jeg liker så godt tittelen din - To quilt is human, to finish is divine - tror den gjelder for mange av oss.
Merete :o)
Looks great - so fun what you can do with small pieces from other quilts.
Love your leaders and enders blocks! I just love the idea of a leaders and enders quilt. I need to get organized enough to make one.
Wow for en jobb. Gleder meg til denne spennende forsettingen :-)
Jammen har du vært dyktig.
Spennende å se hva det endelige resultatet blir.
Klem :-)
What yummy scrap blocks, a great quilt in the making. Are you planning on raiding your friends stashes for lights? Just an idea, lol.
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