I started piecing the Dear Jane on Sept. 23rd 2007. My goal was to make the full DJ quilt, and have it all pieced and appliqued by hand. For a while I was very eager stitching the blocks, but soon I found other projects more interesting. I did sew some blocks from time to time, but there really wasn't much progress. Most of the time it was stuck in a project bag. By the time I realized this was going to end up as a UFO I had stitched 63 blocks using 868 pieces.
When the LQS presented "Svennebrevet" as their BOM a couple of years ago I was absolutely certain I was never going to make it. The two main reasons was on the one hand that I wasn't very inspired by the first shop sample, and on the second hand that most of quilting Norway does their BOMs and I like to do my own things. But I had a hard time resisting, and when the patchwork school started in "Familien" and my Mum dumped the patterns for the first blocks in my lap it was a sign to start. I'm not going to go into all the hassle with cutting measurements and block size here (click the label below if interested), but with a few modifications I stitched 21 blocks that more or less resembles the blocks in the original quilt.
I did a lot of playing around with both sets of blocks, but I really loved the layout of the original Svennebrevet, and with a little advice from Rose after sending her pictures of layout suggestions, I ended up sewing alternating wide and narrow rows. During a fun sewing day with Yvonne I got the scrappy border sewn on, utilizing a lot of my leftover fabrics and the few spare blocks. The quilting would probably have been finished sooner if Bernie hadn't gotten ill, but I'm thrilled to have it done now :-D
So my long list of work-in-very-slow-progress has with this been reduced with two projects. And I have a goal of reducing the list even more in the weeks to come - a couple of the smaller projects will be top priority, Lucinda's Gift quilt-along will start on July 1st and end with a finished quilt, and then hopefully I can make some progress on the quilts I have ready basted and/or has started to quilt....
Hugs and stitches from Anne Ida
Way to go!!! Again, you inspire me to get my UFOs done!!!
I think you made the best of both quilts!
I love it!! the colours the arrangement; everyting about it is beautiful....and a lot of work...congrats to you
Dette ble RÅSTILIG. Gratulerer med flott teppe.
STUNNING! Love everything about it...now GET IT UP OFF THE FLOOR!! After all it will be an heirloom someday!
Well done!
I love UFO quilts..... it's amazing what we start, forget, come back to, put away, etc. Your combination of blocks is stunning and very creative!!!!
You had interruptions, pauses, changes of mind, illnesses, yet this is what you ended up with - WOW!!! It's really wonderful and the columns of wide and narrow was inspirational, and original. It's just lovely!!!
Very beautiful ! Congratulations.
Fantastisk flott, Anne Ida!
What a great idea to combine the two. It is beautiful!
The two quilts made with the same color fabrics worked out well for you. Glad it's finished. I like it very much.
Kjempelekkert! Så flink du er....
Når får vi se dine vakre quilter i Norsk Quilteblad...?
Nyderlig quilt.....
Well done sweetie, it looks gorgeous and you have combined both quilts so well! Looks so warm and cuddly, sure it will become a favorite!!
Hugs xxx
Teppet ditt er bare helt fantastisk nydelig. Godt jobbet! Med ferdig lukkekant og det hele...... det gir en god følelse å sy de siste stingene :o)
Her har du fått ut det beste fra begge prosjektene.
Jeg gir teppet ditt terningkast 6 !
Hei .
Teppet ditt ble helt supert.
Kos deg med vel utført arbeid :-))
Wow, your "finish" is stunning! Congratulations on a beautiful quilt. I love how it evolved and the two became one!
Ohh Anne Ida! It is fabulous! I love what you did with those 2 UFOs. It is great!
I thought I recognized some Jane blocks in there. What a great quilt. I love the layout and the idea of combining two different quilts to make one that is a finish instead of a UFO. Great job!
Instead of two projects languishing on a shelf, you solved your problem and have a beautiful quilt to enjoy! Bravo!
Gratulerer med ferdig flott teppe. jempegod ide å slå sammen to ufo'er til ett så mydelig teppe
Gratulerer! Teppet ble virkelig nyyyydelig! Det kan du virkelig være stolt av -også er det jo tom noe som ingen andre har. Ønsker deg en fin syhelg!
Simply stunning....... How wonderful to have another finish from two UFO's
What a great idea to solve a UFO problem! And you ended up with a fabulous and unique quilt! I love what you did with the border too.
Yessss, great work, the quilt is gorgeous.
love the combination! Congratulation - Brigitte
It's beautiful in all ways-
WELL ... THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I HAVE BEEN INSPIRED TO STEAL AN IDEA! I have 70 Dear Jane blocks completed and they just languish in a box. I have several other blocks from various BOM clubs I belong to. I am going to try as similar setting style and see what I can come up with....( It wont be exact but you have given me some great ideas.)
Then I have to figure out what to do with all those dang triangles I made. Not enough for a border but not something I want to throw away.
Nonnie's Quilting Dreams
Pod cast about quilting, life, rants and raves
What a great way to use your DJ blocks ! Beautiful quilt!
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