Must have been just a cub as he was really small. His brother/sister was in the bushes, but wouldn't come out and play nice for the camera. The sun was blazing and it was really hot, so a group of kids brought their water bottles - see that water on the step? It was greatly appreciated :-)

And to think just the other day I was pondering how long it's been since I've seen a hedgehog!!
Hugs and stitches from Anne Ida
He is cute!! I've never seen a hedgehog - except pictures. My maiden name was Hedges and one of my nicknames was hedgehog!! I guess not a bad name - they're pretty cute!!!
What a cute little fellow. Thank you for sharing him/her with us.
Å så søt - Hyggelig å treffe denne typen :o)
Awww he's so cute. How lovely to have seen the little hedgehog.
ååååså kjempe søøt! Heldig du som har fått en ny venn :o)
I never would have expected to see one right in the middle of humanity! We don't have them in the U.S,. -- cute little critter! 8-))
Well, I for one have never seen one. Looks like a little porcupine.
We don´t have them here in Iceland so I have never seen one!
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