On January 30th 2007 the "Quiltoholic" blog was founded. When I started it, I had no idea it would bring me in touch with so many lovely people all over the world. Nor did I realize how much inspiration and support there are in Blogland. I want to send a warm thank you hug to everyone who have left me a comment or more over these three years!
And keeping with the tradition of blogiversary celebrations, I have a small giveaway. I have thought long and hard about what to do, and have decided to give away this little 12.5" stitchery quilt:
It is a Bronwyn Hayes design called "My Friends", and is from her Polka Dot Girls patterns - I'm thinking it is appropriate for this occasion.
If you want to be in the draw for this little quilt, all you have to do is leave me a comment and make sure your e-mail address doesn't show up as noreply-comment@blogger.com (or at least make a link to your blog), so that I can get in touch with you if you are the lucky winner. The draw will take place on Thursday around mid-day Norwegian time.
Best of luck, and wishes for a happy and creative weekend!
Hugs and stitches from
Anne Ida and
Grattis med 3-års jubileum! :D
Hei. Gratulerer med jubileumet.
Hilsen til Anton fra Jacob også.
Riktig god helg.
Klem ;-)
Congratulations on your blogiversary! And what a lovely giveaway! That's a beautiful stitchery! Thank you! :0)
Congrats on your blogversary!!
I would love to be in your drawing for the stitchery, it's gorgeous!
Congratulations on three years of blogging!!!!! I'll be sitting here with my fingers crossed!
Congratulations on 3 wonderful, fun filled years of blogging!!! Love your give away and I agree it is PERFECT for the occasion!! Please throw my name into your give away hat!!
Take care and here's to the next 3!!
Congrats on your blogoversary! I agree it IS fun to have friends all over the world. I cannot wait to see you CC all done! I am done with clue 2 and have started clue 3! Maybe by the end of 2010 I will be finished! HA!
PS. Anton says I should be picked! :::grin:::::
And a heartful thank you for all the inspiration I find each time I visit your blog ! Simplicity, perseverance, friendship, are the key words here, and reading your posts is always such a pleasure ;>)
Keep going, dear Anne Ida, and THANKS for being you!
Happy three years blogging! I enjoy reading your posts and would LOVE to win that stitchery. The Polka Dot girls have been a favorite of mine since I found them online.
Gratulerer med jubiléet!
Gratulerer med jubileum, 3 år er ganske lenge det! Men jeg er så enig med deg, det er utrolig mye inspirasjon og flinke mennesker rundt omkring.
Grattis till 3-års jubileum!! Det är så roligt att följa din blogg. Nu håller jag mina tummar för att den vackra bonaden hamnar hos mig...
Hei Anne Ida og gratulerer så mykje med jubileet! Eg skal ta meg tid å gå gjennom bloggehistoria di seinare i dag. Du har betydd mykje for meg siste 3 åra, med mykje støtte og oppmuntring både på prosjekt og anna. Håpar du kosar deg med Anton, han ser så fredeleg og koseleg ut, kunne faktisk tenkt meg ein liknande sjølv!
Då minner du meg på at eg sjølv har jubileum snart, allereie i februar...
Ha ei riktig fine helg!
Congratulations on your 3 year blog anniversary ! I love visiting your blog !
Gratulerer med jubileet. Ein nydeleg liten quilt du "loddar" ut.
Glad to leave you a commend.
Thank you for your lovely log that I can visite and enjoy.
Greetings from Holland,
We started blogging only a few days apart and I'm also having a giveaway on my blog to celebrate 3 years. I know we found each other's blogs quite early and have been reading them ever since. Congrats on reaching the milestone. I would like to be entered into your giveaway drawing.
Connie W
Congratulations om your third blogaversary! I love visiting your blog. What a lovely giveaway!!!
Fine weekend, Cisca
Hej Anne Ida och Happy bloganniversary;) Visits at your blog are so inspiring! And your works are always feast for my eyes;) Tack för... sharing them with us!
Gratulerer så mye med blogge-jubileet. Ja tida går fort her inne, vips har enda ett år gått.
I would love to win your stitchery, you do such pretty work. I have another friend in Norway so would love to become one to you also.
Barbara in TX
3 years - Wow! Congratulations!!
Gratulerer med jubileet. Du inspirerer meg i allefall! Takk!
Congratulations on the three year blogaversary.
My friend! Happy Blogiversary. I feel already the warm thank you hugs for the moments in comments we've shared over the years. It's an HONOR to be a part of your world!
Love Anton's face. That stitchery is gorgeous
Happy Blogiversary
Love and hugs Gina xxxx
Gratulerer masse med treårsjubileet :O) Det har jo egentlig gått veldig fort!!!
Håper du har en koselig søndag!!
Mange klemmer :O)
I'm coming up to 3 years blogging too and love it - so many lovely quilters out there. Finally I have picked fabrics for my SBS and once I get motivated will make a start xxx
Gratulerer med jubileet Anne-Ida. Tida går fort:-)). Det er alltid veldig hyggelig og ikke minst inspirerende å besøke bloggen din. Jeg gleder meg til fortsettelsen.
Congratulations on your third blogiversary, Anne Ida! I'd love to have a piece of stitchery made by you. This one is beautiful.
Congratulations on your blogger birthday. Your giveaway mini quilt is beautiful =)
I have just recently found out about Bronwyn Hayes patterns. I have not yet found them available in the US. YOur little quilt is lovely! Happy Blogiversary!I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
Congratulations on 3 years of blogging. I really enjoy visiting your blog and seeing all the amazing work you do. Just yesterday I was showing a friend my Blue and white SBS swap quilt and she was admiring the tumbling blocks block that you had made. She likes the 3-D affect.I told her it was from Norway.Thank you for the inspiration and I do look forward to reading many more of your blog entries.
Best Wishes to you!
Congratulations with the anniversary. I love visiting your blog and take a peak into your live.
Please go continue.
Wow!Three years...alot of blogging! Good for you! I would love to win your giveaway, please enter me. A faithful reader,
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