Recognize the 20-patches made from 1.5" squares? Something will come of them before too long, I hope! And the bag of blues I have some vague plans of using with my scrappy stars... I have no plans for the green and cream four patches yet, and those multi-coloured four patches...
Ten blocks in each of those piles... In my eager reading of the Schnibbles book I saw the squares in the Plan C quilt were cut 2" - the same as the pieces in those four patces - quilt nearly half done! So I started cutting: the white came from stash and the pieces for the star points came from the larger pieces in my scrap box. After a few hours playing with Bernie we have this:
My first official Schnibble! I changed the border, though. In the original there's a piano key border with four patches in the corners, but I wanted to save myself some cutting. Turned out pretty good :o) So much fun playing with scraps!! What to do with the rest of them? More Schnibbles?
Have a lovely weekend!
Hugs and stitches from Anne Ida
Det ble lekkert!
In a word....."WOW!"
I love these types of quilts...scrappy and cool. I love the secondary design that the stars made.....oh, that was more than one word....hehehehe
Eg er verkeleg imponert! Tusen takk for fyldig svar på scnibble-førespurnaden.
Denne ble helt rå !!!! Schnibbles, here I come :O)
Your quilt is gourgeous!
All your scrapping is very inspiring! I love your Plan C. It is so cute!
Its beautiful. I love the checkerboard border - perfect!
What a gorgeous scrap quilt. I love stars and the colours are wonderful.
Plan C ble jo veldig vellykket!!
virkelig sommerlig :O)
Utrolig hva noen kvadrater kan bli til!!
sommerklem fra Yvonne
Oy sann - her var det jammen dukket opp mye lekkert siden sist jeg var innom. Så mange flotte småquilter. Og "løperveska" di ble jo bare så flott. Artig å se at det er flere som koser seg med smårestene. Jeg fant forresten ett lekkert teppe med slike 4-patcher du har sydd i ei bok jeg nettopp kjøpte, der var blokkene avslutta med en rad "corthous-step" i naturfarvet, før det hele var sydd sammen med annenhvert blokk og annenhver bit helt stoff i noe mønstrete. Den holder jeg på med nå, men tror ikke jeg har lagt ut noen bilder enda.
Holy Cow where have I been?! This is amazing. Turned out pretty good is right. Shucks.
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