I have been imagining a finished Imagine quilt since my post over a week ago, but it is slow getting there. I decided to use a couple of rolls of Quilting-Made-Easy (Pattern #306 Roses) I have had stashed away for a couple of years. You tried them? I'm not thrilled for several reasons:
1. The paper is really hard to hold on to - not good for anyone with aching arms and shoulders (at the end I have only managed to quilt for 5 minutes at a time). Even when you are using rubber tipped gloves or using LicketyGrip (my favourite!) it's very slippery; and it soaks up the LicketyGrip like a sponge soaks water and leaves your hands really dry.
2. With the paper on top it is hard to feel if the quilt puckers. I have some really bad puckers on the back of mine (but I can't be bothered to un-stitch).
3. Picking out the paper takes a lot of time; I used an average of 50 minutes quilting my way through one length of paper, and it took me an average of 30 minutes picking out that same paper - so over 4 hours paper-picking on this quilt! And there are still these little paper pieces stuck in the stitching - I really hope these will come out in the washing machine!

4. There is a lot of waste - this must be the least environmental friendly way to quilt ever! This is aprox 2/3 of what I picked out of the quilt

That said, I'm very pleased with the over-all look of my quilt so far, but I don't think it is worth the hassle of using the paper rolls! At least now they are gone (I think there are some of the blocks variety leftover somewhere in my stash, though...), and no more will fall into my shopping basket! With what was left my quilt couldn't have been an inch bigger *lol*

I have started attaching the binding, and am planning on hand stitching it down at the back while enjoying Master Chef on TV later today - three whole episodes ;o)

This quilt has been a real stash buster - before I started it I had big trouble getting this drawer closed

Have a fabulous and creative Sunday!
Hugs and stitches from Anne Ida