My brithday was on Sunday, and happy girl me got some lovely hand made pressies ;o) I was lucky to receive one of
Butterfly's lovely drawstring bags along with some yummy chocolate and a book I have heard nothing but praise about - look forward to reading it.

Not sure I have the heart to break into the chocolate - the wrappers are just so charming!
Would you know what this was?
Suzie posted this pic as a teaser on her blog - and I couldn't make out head or tales of it, until I opened the parcel she had sent and found a wonderful felted owl standing on a cushion (and a little note saying "owl always be your friend" - so sweet!).

There were lots of other goodies included with the owl - I feel truly spoilt!
For a long time I have wished for some proper sized soup bowls. My baby sister (yes, she is almost 9 years younger than me, so she'll always be the baby *lol*) works for a
ceramcis production unit, and these lovelies have now found their way to my kitchen - have a feeling lots of soup will be served this winter :o)

Thank you so much, all of you!
Hugs and stitches from Anne Ida