Internet has been out/unstable over the last week, and I haven't been able to upload anything to this blog (grrrr!!!), or to reply to any of your comment - please bare with me. Anyway, here you have everything I had planned to share since my last post in a loooong one (I'll try keeping it short).
I promised to share what
Lise and I were working on last week and this is it:

If you are a follower of
May Britt's blog, you might have seen a picture of it already :o) We had lots of fun playing with blocks from all over blogland (and from some no-bloggers):

We pieced the top, then
Merete did some wonderful long-arm quilting, and Lise finished the binding on Friday night.
Butterfly visited a couple of weeks ago we had a little peek into my WISP cupboard:

And inspired by our talk I started piecing some blocks I cut well over a year ago in a frenzy of clearing out some flannels:
Back then I got to the cutting stage, but no further. I still have 10 more blocks cut ready to piece. I have a lot of flannel to finish it, but it's only smaller cuts, though, so it will come out scrappy. Hopefully I'll get back to them soon!
Remember I had a bit of a cutting session of Dear Jane blocks? I have done some piecing in the evenings, and my tally is now 37 blocks!!!

I have also done a bit more cutting, so I now have something to pick up when I have some time to relax in front of the tv, or take along when poping out to quilt guild meeting, visiting the parents or so on :o)
'Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!
Hugs and stitches from
Anne Ida