Yesterday was a beautiful warm and sunny day here in Oslo, and my friend
Leisha and I spent the day at the beautiful and historic
Bogstad Manor. Our main reason for going was to see this:
Kirsti Hovland is such a talented fabric artist! The exhibition covers the development of writing from stone age to modern computer age. She has dyed and printed most of the fabrics herself to get the look of stone, wood and metal, and the execution of the quilts are so wonderful! She has also If you live within traveling distance of Bogstad, you should definitely go have a look! There is so much to look at, but here's a peek at my favorite pieces.
This is a series of six small quilts showing the timeline she has covered - and it was so beautiful,and detailed
This quilt was inspired by the petroglyphs in the area around Alta in Northern Norway (see the northern light in the borders?) - and one of my two top favorites
Bronze age - love the combination of those strict lines in the piecing and the soft contours of the appliqué
This is the quilt I kept going back to - I have always had a soft spot for the Thousands of Pyramids pattern (never sewed it, though!), and I just loved the combination of an easily recognizable quilt pattern with the older Futhark (rune alphabet) appliqued as a border. And I love those little bursts of colured pieces of fabric in the binding
Here's a quilt that probably don't need an explanation - isn't it amazing how easily recognizable the stem of a viking ship is? And I love the combination of the "wood carving" cable and the younger Futhark in the borders
Medieval writing on vellum - you can just feel the texture of it :-)
A jump to more modern time - isn't this one fun? - newspapers on news print
And this contemporary series in black/grey/green - so much fun
I say it again - if you can go see this, DO! It's open for another week. I also took lots of pictures at the manor and farm - will share those in my next post :-) Wishing everyone a wonderful Sunday!
Hugs and stitches from Anne Ida