Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Getting the holidays mixed up
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Results from sewing day
Doesn't look much like the original quilt, does it? I did some thinking when I started planning the sashings.... I hadn't sewn a stitch on my Dear Jane since last summer, and honestly I have lost the inspiration to work on it. Looking at the 9" blocks got me thinking those blocks really would mix well with my DJ blocks. Just to make sure I wasn't completely off my rocker, I took a snap photo of the blocks laid out on the floor and e-mailed the pic to Rose to see what she had to say. The response I got was:
"U know its a shame to use your DJ blocks but I looooooooooove it!!!! They work perfectly with the 9" blocks and its very very clever (but do u wanna do those DJ blocks again??? lol) Then again, far better to be in a quilt than in a bag in the drawer."
Thanks sweetie for not thinking I'm nuts! *lol* I really wanted to keep the stripy feel of "Svennebrevet" so I decided to do the DJ blocks in rows alternating with the larger blocks. I thought perhaps to make the quilt a square, but that would mean 3" sashing strips, and I felt that was a bit too wide, so it is a few inches narrower than it is long. Now I "just" need to get it basted, quilted and bound!

Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Kissed by the sun again
Anne Ida
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Sunkissed flowers of spring
Friday, 15 April 2011
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Last three blocks and a chat with Trine Bakke
Why centimeters and not inch?
Judging by comments from beginners coming to the shop, inch is scary. Especially if the newbie is going to learn on their own, i.e. not living somewhere they can easily sign up for a class where they immediately are presented to inch measurements. The magazine class is first and foremost directed to the quilters who can’t attend an actual class, and Trine hopes those who don’t have personal support can be inspired and learn from the magazine pattern (I'm still not convinced it is good to teach centimeters to beginners knowing the bulk of patterns out there are in inch, but that is the reason for their decision).
Trine had drafted the blocks full size so those wishing to could measure for themselves and chose whether to use cm or inch, unfortunately the magazine opted against printing the blocks full figure. She says it is sometimes frustrating the editors making changes and cutting back on illustrations and explanations, but she is still confident beginner quilters will learn what they need to make the quilt from what the magazine has printed.
Block size and weird fractions
The original BOM from the shop had 9” blocks, the blocks in the magazine finish at 20 centimeters (just shy of 8"), so the patterns are not interchangeable. The blocks are constructed over grids of 2,4,5 and 7 units so no matter what there would be some weird fractions in some blocks, the change in size was to make the fractions less weird. So those who started out doing the first blocks in 9” size has to bare in mind that changing to centimeters for the more complex blocks will end up with two different sizes.
Why a whole centimeter seam allowance?
1 cm is marked on the needle plate on most sewing machines and easy to line up fabric to. I took another look at my Bernina – it has markings every 0.5 cm, but it also has 1/4” inch markings, so… And let me tell you, I'm not giving up my quarter inch presser foot for anything! I looove that little gadget!
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
A couple of more blocks
Hugs and stitches from Anne Ida
Friday, 8 April 2011
Cheating in class
- the Tie block that I just have to draw up one of these days - should be fairly quick.
- the leMoyne star - Rose has promised she will try to dig it up in EQ for me;
- the basket block - thinking maybe I'll do a different basket, not sure I like the one in the original quilt,
- the two appliqué blocks... still trying to decide whether I'll wait for the templates or if I'm going to either draft something from the pictures or if I'll swap them for something else.
Monday, 4 April 2011

Sunday, 3 April 2011
Lappeskole - lesson 2
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Small finish and "Lappeskole"
- I enjoy to pick and chose my own fabrics to make the quilt "mine",
- their BOMs tend to be popular so half the quilters in the country does them, and I have a problem with "doing what everyone else is doing",
- I couldn't afford the BOM packages - even knowing they give you good value for your money the quilt ends up quite expencive.
- I really wasn't inspired by the first shop model - when I first saw it I thought "oh, well.... nah!"