Not much sewing or quilting happening here these days, but I figured that I wouldn't leave my blog for dead for too long - so I decided to share this old 20.5" square mini:

It was made from a kit, back in the days when I didn't have much of a stash. You wouldn't think it's from my early quilting days when looking at the label on the back, which says finished 16. sept. 2006 (wish I had a date for when I finished the top... guessing is was sometime in 2001).
This was, ehh... my earliest attempt at hand quilting, and I brought it with me everywhere, but only made a couple of stitches every now and then. In the end I got soooo sick of it! And I ripped every quilting stitch out, sat down at the sewing machine and had the whole thing quilted and bound in a few hours. The machine quilting is wobbly and uneaven, but in this case finished was way better than perfect *lol*
These days it hangs in my bedroom, on the wall next to the window - out of sunlight to hopefully keep that black from turning grey.
Wishing everyone a wonderful and creative weekend!
Hugs and stitches from
Anne Ida &