Lovely cover, isn't it? Now, what makes this calendar so special? See those pretty mittens on the cover? My Grandmother - who was a wonderful craftswoman - have designed them!!! And I'm so proud to see them printed in this calendar! The mittens were made in 1958 for the 150th anniversary of the battle of Trangen, which took place on April 25th 1808 between Swedish and Norwegian troops.
If you look closely at the design you see some lettering spelling the name Trangen, the year 1808 and a man holding a gun. In the legendary stories of the battle we are told of the heroic Captain Dreyer who stood on a tree stump firing at the Swedish soldiers and commanding his men before he himself was mortally wounded, and died four days later. Even though this story probably isn't historically accurate it has become a symbol of the battle and is what is portrayed in the center of the mittens.
Feeling my finger itch to get knitting, but it is a bit hot to be working with wool at the moment ;-)
Hugs and stitches from Anne Ida
PS! The calendar is published by Hof Husflidslag and costs 100,- NOK + shipping. They can be contacted on: hof.husflidslag[at] While searching for their website (didn't find one) I came across this article about the exhibition of mittens that was the start of this calendar
Wow :O) Så flotte!!
Utrolig gøy at de har blitt en del av kalenderen!! Kreativiteten løper i familien skjønner jeg :-D
Takk for en veldig hyggelig mandag.
klem fra Yvonne :-D
Sikke en vidunderlig historie der følger med din nye kalender. Har du mon et link til, hvor man kan købe kalender?
Så flotte votter- og så gøy med en vottekalender da! Kreativiteten ligger nok i familien din ja!
Wow, you are multi-talented...... knitting and quilting skills. It looks like fun. Good luck!!!
Wow this is so special. You will enjoy knitting them when Summer is over.
Så nydelige votter og flott kalender..
Ha en fin kveld :-)
Stilige votter! :D Kanskje vi må ha en strikkekveld utpå høsten? (Jeg har blant annet en genser ++ som skulle vært ordnet til Plutt..)
Passe deg nå, før du plutselig må endre bloggenavn til Knitoholoc. ;) (Lurer på om det snart skjer med meg.. har blitt mye strikking i det siste!)
How special for you! I am not surprised that you wanted the calendar?
Oh Ok, now I know why you were excited about the calendar!!! Wow how special is that??? and how talented was Elida??? They are just gorgeous hun :)
Big hugs xxx
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