Doesn't look much like the original quilt, does it? I did some thinking when I started planning the sashings.... I hadn't sewn a stitch on my Dear Jane since last summer, and honestly I have lost the inspiration to work on it. Looking at the 9" blocks got me thinking those blocks really would mix well with my DJ blocks. Just to make sure I wasn't completely off my rocker, I took a snap photo of the blocks laid out on the floor and e-mailed the pic to Rose to see what she had to say. The response I got was:
"U know its a shame to use your DJ blocks but I looooooooooove it!!!! They work perfectly with the 9" blocks and its very very clever (but do u wanna do those DJ blocks again??? lol) Then again, far better to be in a quilt than in a bag in the drawer."
Thanks sweetie for not thinking I'm nuts! *lol* I really wanted to keep the stripy feel of "Svennebrevet" so I decided to do the DJ blocks in rows alternating with the larger blocks. I thought perhaps to make the quilt a square, but that would mean 3" sashing strips, and I felt that was a bit too wide, so it is a few inches narrower than it is long. Now I "just" need to get it basted, quilted and bound!

Svennebrevet/DJ quilt is gourgeous and special!
I have lost my DJ inspiration too, am currently putting the blocks I have made into a small wall hanging that I will call "Sorry Jane".
What a wonderful combination of blocks ! Sorry for Jean, but you did well.
Happy Easter !
I love what you did with the Dear Jane blocks. Beautiful quilt.
I love, love, love it! Who'd have thought of using the DJ blocks that way? Very creative and original. Awesome!
Mary Lou
Svennebrevet din versjon er bare helt nydelig. Så lurt av deg å bruke DJ blokkene her.
Happy Easter, Anne Ida!
Your newest quilt top is GORGEOUS! It was a splendid idea to use your beautiful DJ blocks!
Svennebrevet med DJ-blokker ble aldeles praktfullt!
...og kjøkkenbordduken ble riktig en søt liten sak :-)
Great idea, Anne Ida. The design looks wonderful.
The sampler looks wonderful hun and such a clever use of the DJ blocks, they look fantastic!! Love the scrappy borders, they set the blocks off perfectly!!!
Your tabletopper looks great too!! Well done!
Happy Easter Hun xxx
Very nice quilts and how fun to have a sewing day with a friend.
Duken din ble veldig søt, og så så fort ferdig da. Svennebrevet ble aldeles praktfullt, og så fint å kombinere disse to quiltene til ett praktstykke du kan glede deg over i mange år framover.
You did it again my friend :-) Alltid leverer du Anne Ida Det ble virkelig lekkert og med din vri. Grattis
Gratulerer med nok ein nydeleg quilt, dette var ein super ide!!!
Hei igjen.
Hyggelig kommentar og ja, jeg biter tennene sammen og fortsetter "skoearbeidet" jeg. Går egentlig greit.
Blir spennende å se hvordan det går nå når jeg skal starte med pappmaler. Det går nok det også.
Men du verden så flott teppet ditt ble, kombinasjonen ble flott.
Ha en flott dag og uke videre.
Klem Berit
Så flott din versjon av svennebrevet blei. Genial ide å bruke DJ blokkene dine i denne quilten.
Love, love this idea for your Svennebrevet/DJ quilt!
This looks great :) a good way to use your DJ blocks if you have lost your inspiration for finishing the
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