
Sunday 22 April 2018

FNSI and Slow Sunday Stitching

Friday night was FNSI over at Wendy's blog, and I had heaps of plans for what I wanted to achieve. When I got home, I dished up a big slice of pizza and a glass of wine

I got my ready cut fabric pieces for Stargazer spread out over the dinner table ready to be glue basted to the paper

However that was about as far as I got before I got distracted by other things and the evening just went by. Yesterday I had big plans of getting back to them after doing some  bit of tidying in the spare room, but I was on duty at work, and whenever I got over to the table the phone would ring.

This morning I have prepped some more hexagons for this week's clue for Wintry Hexies - we'll see how much I get done... not stressing about this.

My seedlings are growing - over the last week the sweet pepper has come up, as well as one little cucumber plant:

Pop on over to Wendy's blog Sugarlane Designs to see what everyone got up to on Friday Night Sew-In. And to Kathy's Quilts to see what the bloggie peeps are doing for Slow Sunday Stitching.

Hugs and stitches from Anne Ida


The Cozy Quilter said...

I hope you manage to get some time to do some hexies today. Your plants are looking good. It will be a while before things warm up enough here for doing much gardening.

CathieJ said...

I hope you find some time to stitch this weekend. I hate when I get distracted and miss out on my stitching.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anne Ida looks like you had a great night ,I get distracted too,lol,but sounds like you got a lot done,well done my friend xx

Quilter Kathy said...

Your friday night looks divine!
Fun to see some tiny sprouts!

Marie said...

Your hand stitching project looks divine and it's so nice to finally see seedlings sprouting! Happy Sunday.

Robin said...

I have an uncompleted project out on the table downstairs. It's been there since January. I'm determined to finish it up before I clean it all up. I hope your project doesn't that long.

Jeanette said...

Lovely stitching. Nice to see your plants sprouting. Hugs, xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

That pizza looked good! Shame you were on call. Sweet little grren babies you have growing there x

cocoya said...

I hope you find some time to stitch this weekend. I hate when I get distracted and miss out on my stitching.


Kaisievic said...

Sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men and all that - we just can't get to do what we really want to do! Never mind, there is always another day!

cocoya said...

Fun to see some tiny sprouts!